រាជធម៌ ឬទសពិធរាជធម៌ ១០

រាជធម៌ ឬទសពិធរាជធម៌ ១០ (ធម៌របស់ព្រះរាជា, កិច្ចដែលស្ដេចផែនដីគប្បីប្រព្រឹត្ត, ធម៌របស់អ្នកគ្របគ្រងប្រទេស – Rājadhamma: virtues or duty of the king; royal virtues; virtues of a ruler)
1. Dāna: charity; liberality; generosity.
2. Sīla: high moral character.
3. Pariccāga: self-sacrifice.
4. Ājjava: honesty; integrity.
5. Maddava: kindness and gentleness.
6. Tapa: austerity; self-control; non-indulgence.
7. Akkodha: non-anger; non-fury.
8. Avihiṁsā: non-violence; non-oppression.
9. Khanti: patience; forbearance; tolerance.
10. Avirodhana: non-opposition, non-deviation from righteous; conformity to the law.

🔸កំណែចុងក្រោយ Last Updated on March 26, 2023 by Johnny ចន្នី

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Johnny ចន្នី

Author: Johnny ចន្នី

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